Schedule a Speaking Event

DSC03052_crop_cropIf you’re interested in having me speak at an event, you can message me at to discuss details.

At present my rate is $100, varying depending on the location of the event and associated travel costs. I also request a table to display my books for sale.

If advertising the event, please let attendees know that there will be books available for sale at the event and to bring $ if interested.

My preferred style of presentation is to use an interview format, with one person asking me questions and me answering. This usually serves as a time for myself and the audience to become comfortable with each other, and a lead in to the question-and-answer period where I start taking questions directly from the audience.

Interview questions can be pre-written or made up on the spot depending on your interviewer’s preferences or what you feel will be most beneficial to the attendees. I have a list of sample questions that I can send you if you would like to know what kind of topics are generally covered in my talks. You can also check my blog post Frequently Asked Questions with Overly Complicated Answers to see some of the most common questions I get asked and how I generally answer them.

Are there any topics that should not be brought up?

Not necessarily. I endeavor to be pretty open about any aspect of my life that may come up in conversation – if I think it will be helpful. It depends on the needs of your audience.

I am what would be considered a religious person, but I recognize that religion is a very sensitive topic in some contexts, and I do my best to be respectful of that. At the same time, I tend to be direct and open with my answers, and certain questions may relate to my faith. If speaking at a church, then I assume that attendees are wanting to hear about how my autism fits together with my faith. If speaking at a school, I assume that attendees are wanting to hear about how autism impacted my learning experience in the educational system. In any and all cases, my goal is to give people what they came to hear, by answering the questions as best as I can.


Here are some testimonials from those who have heard me speak already…


“Benjamin, your presentation at Pickering High School last fall was very well received.

The educational workers who attended the workshop with you found it very interesting to see autism from the inside, as it were. Staff said that it was really helpful to them to begin to understand that autism does not necessarily imply non-compliance but may just imply lack of comprehension of what is being asked of you.

I think it also gave staff hope, to see that a person with high functioning autism, such as yourself, has a highly productive potential future.”

Carol Pierce, Teacher at Pickering High School


“With the rise in mental health issues and stigmas with disabilities whether it be physical or mental, Benjamin Collier was the perfect person to break the cycle of ignorance on these hot topics! When he came and spoke to parents and students at Anderson CVI, he had us captivated from his first sentence. We were all highly impressed with how transparent and real Benjamin was.  He was very open at letting parents ask questions – very frank questions and answered them not only from personal experience, but practically as well.

We hope to have Benjamin visit our school again – I’m sure he’ll fill out the auditorium!”

Charlene Wainwright

past Chair, SCC